November 15, 2021

The Artist

Natalia Kawatski

A child of the pristine wilderness, Natalia grew up on a remote homestead in the mountains of northwestern British Columbia. Her awareness of the tenuous balance between civilization and nature has instilled in her a sense of mission that she fulfills through her art. Indeed, her paintings exude a deep-rooted reverence for nature and the earth from which we all emerge.  

Although Natalia studied briefly at OCAD (Ontario College of Art & Design) in Toronto, she considers herself a pupil primarily of her own innate talent, curiosity and wanderlust. Natalia Vanessa is an internationally collected artist, with solo exhibitions in Paris, Spain, and Vancouver, and group shows in Whistler, Toronto, England and New York City. Her philosophy of art is that  “all life is intrinsically interconnected, and the beauty that people see before them is a reflection of themselves.”

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